Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

What role will enrichment play to deliver key aspects of our curriculum intent?

Enrichment will be a key part of the implementation of our overall curriculum at Scartho Gateway Academy.

We will offer a wide range of after school clubs which will be available to all pupils at no additional financial charge. Recent examples at our current primary academies include cheerleading; choir; football; netball and gardening.

External visitors will help to inspire and develop cultural capital. For example, in our current primary academies, we have held workshops hosted by an international free-style footballer; a Commonwealth athlete and a local author. In addition, we hosted the English Heritage Society, who delivered workshops on local Viking History. Most recently, a member of the Harlem Globetrotters delivered basketball sessions to all of the children!

Opportunities for parental engagement are key. For example, in our current primary academies, we have organised a Race for Life event attended by over 200 family members, raising over £1600; we raised over £500 through a cake sale, where parents provided over 1000 cakes and we organised for parents to attend performances by our choir and cheerleaders. We will also look to establish a PTA when the school is up and running.

Outdoor learning will also be a key focus, and we will look to ensure we have fantastic gardens; ponds; wildlife areas; outdoor classroom, which will be looked after by the children as ‘Wildlife Warriors.’

Assemblies will also play a key role in the implementation of our curriculum. Alongside special mentions assembly, celebrating success, we will also hold weekly singing assemblies and a weekly assembly which focuses on a local or national event, using resources supplied by Picture News.

We will also build time in to our curriculum for whole class story time to help promote a love of reading.

Sport is very important to us. Participation in external competitions will be a key focus and a significant number of our children will regularly take place in local competitions, supported through after school clubs and use of the Sports premium funding to support enrichment and resources.